County of Riverside
Assistant/Associate/Senior Planner (Finance)
Vacancies in all levels: Assistant, Associate and Senior planner position
The Riverside County's TLMA Planning Department has multiple opportunities for Planners, that will be located in Riverside. This position is comparable to the Assistant/Associate/Senior Planner level with most cities and will be responsible for performing all aspects of project management, technical analysis, and public presentations primarily related to the current development projects, housing programs, community plans, and other various County ordinances. Differences between the Assistant and Associate positions are primarily related to the complexity of assigned tasks, and the degree of autonomy afforded in their completion.
The incumbent will be participating in implementation of goals, objectives, policies, and priorities of the Planning Department; participating in zoning administration and application to a variety of projects, including providing technical assistance to the public by phone, email and at the public counter; attending meetings of the Planning Commission and/or Board of Supervisors as required; making presentations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors as required; coordinating environmental review for assigned projects; establishing good working relationships and working cooperatively with all County departments; and other duties as assigned.
Competitive candidates will possess knowledge of Land use planning, principles, methods and procedures applicable to land use planning activities; the physical, social, environmental and economic implications of land use planning; local, State and Federal legislation governing land use development and planning activities; ability to work in a team environment; proficient with MS Office programs; strong writing skills; ability to plan, organize and carry out assigned work independently; conduct research, collect and analyze data, generate and evaluate alternatives, reach logical conclusions and formulate consistent recommendations; compose well written and thorough project reports and recommendations; provide oral presentations to community groups and government bodies; work effectively with the general public, community, government board and commissions; interpret and apply laws and regulations pertaining to planning projects and cases.
The level at which the position will be filled is at the Department's discretion and is contingent upon the candidate's experience, qualifications, and educational attainment.
Meet the Team!
The Planning Department is responsible for Riverside County's General Plan, a comprehensive long-range plan intended to guide the growth and development of unincorporated areas within the County. This department formulates growth management plans and zoning for the County.ASSISTANT PLANNER
• Conduct less complicated studies necessary to meet urban/regional planning objectives for social, physical, environmental, economic, and/or governmental resources, by researching, compiling, synthesizing, analyzing, and interpreting information and data, either in the course of routine work (e.g., processing development applications), or for purposes that are described in a specific assignment (e.g., assisting in the preparation of developmental policy guidelines or to support higher level planning staff assigned to prepare sections of the general plan and area plans), the results of which are submitted for review and acceptance by a project lead worker or supervisor, and may be consolidated with other research.
• Contact other parties (individuals, groups, sections, divisions, departments, and regional or state agencies) to discuss/review various technical or legal aspects of projects or programs (i.e., applications for zoning changes, conditional uses, variances, plot plan approvals, and subdivision approvals), which are generally not controversial or politically sensitive, in order to define problems and alternative solutions by guiding reviews for consistency with the general plan or other policy plans, compliance with local ordinances and regional and state requirements, and extent of environmental impact; or to exchange or clarify information used in developing regional plans, including analysis of existing plans and definition of areas for policy consideration and decision, using coordination efforts and/or a negotiation process to achieve the desired outcome, as part of the direction in an ongoing planning process.
• Accompany staff to property sites and surrounding areas to gather facts and conduct investigations of proposed project sites in order to have direct knowledge of the location or project under study. The incumbent will normally use a County vehicle to arrive at the site, and then may have to walk or use other means to access portions of the property as necessary to examine features requiring detailed evaluation; assignments could include direction to carry out specific tasks (i.e., record field notes or take photographs and other preparations to assist with related visual displays).
• Prepare written reports on less complex matters, used to communicate information, findings and recommendations (often as part of a decision-making process), by assembling pertinent facts in a directed format (e.g., public hearing case reports), with completed work subject to review by a supervisor.
• Make oral presentations as requested to governmental administrative and hearing bodies to explain and clarify planning reports and recommendations, with presentations supported by subject matter research and data consistent with the needs of the administrative/hearing body.
• Conduct studies necessary to meet urban/regional planning objectives for social, physical, environmental, economic, and/or governmental resources, by researching, compiling, synthesizing, analyzing, and interpreting information and data, either in the course of routine work (e.g., processing development applications), or for purposes that are described in a specific assignment (e.g., drafting parts of developmental policy guidelines or assigned sections of the general plan and area plans) the results of which are submitted for review and acceptance, or for consolidation by a supervisor.
• Contact other parties (individuals, groups, sections, divisions, departments, and regional or state agencies) to discuss review of various technical or legal aspects of projects or programs (i.e., applications for zoning changes, conditional uses, variances, plot plan approvals, and subdivision approvals), some of which may be controversial or politically sensitive, in order to define problems and alternative solutions, by guiding reviews for consistency with the general plan or other policy plans, compliance with local ordinances and regional and state requirements, and extent of environmental impact; or to exchange or clarify information used in developing regional plans, including analysis of existing plans and identification of deficiencies in policy or legal authority, and definition of areas for policy consideration and decision, using coordination efforts and/or a negotiation process to achieve the desired outcome, as part of the direction in an ongoing planning process.
• Make field trips to property sites and surrounding areas to gather facts and conduct investigations of proposed project sites, or in order to have direct knowledge of the location or project under study. Incumbents will normally use a County vehicle to arrive at the site and may have to walk or other means to access portions of the property as necessary to examine features requiring detailed evaluation; assignments could include direction to carry out specific tasks (i.e., record field notes or take photographs and other preparations to assist with related visual displays).
• Prepare written reports used to communicate information, findings and recommendations (often as part of a decision-making process), by assembling pertinent facts in a format adopted for the specific purpose (e.g., public hearing case reports), with completed work subject to review by a supervisor.
• Make oral presentations to public groups and governmental bodies to explain and clarify planning reports and recommendations, with presentations supported by subject matter research and data consistent with the needs of the forum or audience.
• May prescribe procedures, methods, materials, and formats acting as a planning program technical expert; may produce or approve specifications, guides, lists, or directions; may exercise direct supervision to schedule and assign work tasks for professional and support staff, monitor progress, review results, and be responsible for completed project work.
• Receive applications for the most technically challenging zoning changes, conditional uses, variances, plot plan approvals, and subdivision approvals and reviews for complex elements of consistency with adopted policy plans, compliance with local, regional and state laws and requirements; assess the extent of environmental impact; contact various public agencies acting as a representative of the department; gather information pertinent to specific case or transportation studies.
• Meet with consultants or developers to advise them on requirements applicable to proposed projects and assist in developing plans to meet these requirements; visit property sites and surrounding areas to gather facts; take photographs of significant community features; plan and coordinate with delineators on the preparation of maps, graphs and other visual displays; analyze collected case or project data and formulate recommendations; prepare master environmental assessments and environmental impact reports.
• Conduct, lead or coordinate planning studies of human, physical, natural, economic, and/or governmental resources for the general plan, regional plans, area plans, highway plan, or operating work plan; work with staff of regional and state agencies to exchange or clarify information used in developing regional plans; analyze existing plans and identify deficiencies in policy or legal authority, defining areas for policy consideration and decision; draft or oversee preparation of significant parts of developmental policy guidelines or assigned sections of the general plan, area plans, highway, or transportation plans for review and approval.
• Prepare drafts of reports for incorporation into regional plans; prepare written staff or project reports; collect raw or previously compiled data from a variety of information sources for use in making long range projections for studies; analyze the validity and comparability of data; apply statistical formulas in the analysis of demographic, economic, environmental, and other data; provide data as requested for various planning studies and programs.
• Assist in the analysis of proposed or adopted legislation to determine the potential or actual impact on department operations; assist in preparing drafts of new ordinances and in reviewing existing planning ordinances for revision or amendment, or to implement new planning programs or policies; answer public inquiries regarding ordinances, laws, regulations, policies, and procedures governing land use or transportation planning development; make oral presentations of information and recommendations to the Planning Commission; may present recommendations on cases to the Board of Supervisors; assist in training other professional planners; use computers to assist in the above applications.ASSISTANT PLANNER
$76,015.36-$105,900.08 Annually
Education: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor's degree, preferably with a major in urban/regional planning, transportation planning, public administration, architecture, environmental science, geography (with related course concentration), landscape architecture, or a closely related field.
Certification by and full membership in the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).
Experience: Two years as a Land Use Technician I/II with Riverside County, of which at least one year must have been at the Land Use Technician II level.
$86,912.19-$121,606.05 Annually
One year of experience at the level of Assistant Planner with Riverside County. (Certification of qualifications by the Department Head may substitute for up to six months of the required experience.)
Required Education: Graduation from an accredited college with a bachelor's degree, preferably with a major in urban/regional planning, transportation planning, public administration, architecture, environmental science, geography (with related course concentration), landscape architecture, or a closely related field.
Experience: Three years of professional environmental planning, land use planning and/or transportation planning experience which must have included performing one of the following kinds of planning activities associated with a planning agency: comprehensive, regional, area, or community planning; plan/proposal review; general plan amendments; zoning; land division; information services; urban renewal; planning administration or transportation planning. (A master's degree in planning may substitute for one year of the required experience. A master's degree in public administration, architecture, environmental science, geography (with related course concentration), landscape architecture, or a closely related field may substitute for six months of the required experience. No more than one master's degree may be used to substitute for the required experience.)
Certification by and full membership in the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).
$97,739.01-$136,773.43 Annually
One year of experience at the level of Associate Planner with Riverside County. (Certification of qualifications by the Department Head may substitute for up to six months of the required experience.)
Required Education: Graduation from an accredited college with a bachelor's degree preferably with a major in urban/regional planning, transportation planning, public administration, geography (with related course concentration), architecture, environmental sciences, landscape architecture, or a closely related field.
Experience: Four years of professional environmental planning, land use planning and/or transportation planning experience performing one of the following kinds of planning activities associated with a planning agency or consulting firm, comprehensive, regional, area, or community planning; plan/proposal review; general plan amendments; zoning, land division; information services; urban renewal; planning administration or transportation planning. (A master's degree in planning or transportation planning may substitute for one year of the required experience. A master's degree in public administration, geography with related course concentration, architecture, environmental sciences, landscape architecture, or a closely related field may substitute for six months of the required experience. No more than one master's degree may be used to substitute for the required experience.)
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: An understanding of the organizational structure and jurisdiction of governmental agencies involved in the planning process and their interrelationship; knowledge of mandated General Plan elements and factors that must be considered in evaluating proposals for consistency with these elements.
Desired Qualifications:
License/Certificate: Possession of a valid Class C California Driver's License is required at the time of employment.
Open to All Applicants
This recruitment is open to all applicants.
For questions regarding this recruitment
Contact Vanessa Diaz Beaird at with any questions regarding this recruitment.